How to Pay

Mobile Payment Transfer

After placing your order and choosing your preferred transfer payment method, you will be redirected to a page that shows your order is confirmed.

This page gives your details and instructions about how to send your transfer. You will also be sent an email that contains these details as well.

Read carefully and follow the instructions to send your payment to the email provided. Please ensure you follow the instructions correctly and thoroughly as any errors will cause delays in the shipment of your order.

Please do not include anything referencing Vape, Favorites , Weed, Cannabis, or anything related to our company. Failure to follow this will cause your transfer to not be accepted and your account will be TERMINATED.

You will also see your information and order details at the bottom of the page.


If you placed your order using cryptocurrency, you will be redirected to a page that will allow you to choose a crypto coin of your choice. Currently we accept BitcoinBitcoin Cash, and Dodgecoin.

In the customer information section, a discount of 10% is automatically applied for paying with cryptocurrency!

To send your cryptocurrency, copy the address and send the correct amount given from your crypto wallet. Once you send your payment, it will be verified and your order will be processed.